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DVD - The First  13 "Crawford's Corner" Videos DVD - The First 13 "Crawford's Corner" Videos

DVD - "Crawford's Corner 5 minute "How To" videos for kids includes the first 13 Crawford the Cat videos. Geared toward younger children and populated with warm, friendly characters, "Crawford's Corner" videos promote positive values while imparting simple lessons on personal, practical and social skills.

Video topics: Hand Washing, Tooth Brushing, Picking Up Toys, Exercising, Proper Coughing/Sneezing, Games All Can Play, Working Together, Table Manners, Putting On a Coat, "Try A Bite" Club, Please and Thank You, Bedtime Routine, Practice Makes Perfect

These videos and more are also included on our streaming service! Join at CrawfordtheCat-Extra

Purchase Includes Public Performance Rights.

Our Price: $9.99